No Taxes!

Taxes took center stage this week as politicians begging for votes made promises to eliminate taxes on overtime, tips, etc. I immediately saw flashbacks of President George H.W. Bush’s 1988 promise – “Read My Lips. No New Taxes!” – and Read more…

Another School Year… Another Shooting

Another school year barely begins and we’re already grieving another school shooting. The recent tragedy in Georgia contributes to two startling comparisons. First, according to the Washington Post’s School Shooting Database, there have been 417 school shootings in the past Read more…

Where were you when the world stopped turning?

World Trade Center

September 11, 2001, began as, pretty much, a typical day. I had caught an early morning flight to the “Research Triangle” in North Carolina to attend a software training session. As Comcast Business Communications’ newest fiber optics network sales trainer, Read more…

Enough, Already!

In a former life I travelled extensively for work. I was involved with a couple of software start-ups, flying around the country to accompany sales reps on sales calls. They would shake hands, schmooze, and pay for drinks and dinner, Read more…

First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Life-Long Learning

It’s Super Bowl Sunday. Or what I like to call… Just another Sunday. I’m not a sports fan. Yes, I used to play. I had good high school careers in football and baseball, I squandered my time in college baseball, Read more…

It’s hard to imagine

There was an announcement at the end of school on Tuesday reflecting on the cancellation of Powder Puff football. It was the first time I had heard anything about this year’s game; adapting to virtual and hybrid instruction has dominated Read more…

Becoming Our Personal Genius

Personal Genius

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”~ Albert Einstein I’ve seen this meme, or ones similar to it, many Read more…

Make Education Work For YOU!

Online Learning

Methods of education are changing. Facilitated by constrictions created by a novel coronavirus, many are adapting to a new model of how we teach and how we learn. In This new digital era, the burden on students to learn has Read more…

Unwritten or not, rules are rules!


If you know me, you know I’m not a sports fan. Many find that surprising considering how many sports I played, and for how many years I was competitive. This year, I have not seen one pitch of baseball, one Read more…

“Rule #1”

There’s a poster in my classroom that lists “10 Things They Don’t Teach You in School,” and throughout the school year I, ironically, reference that list in response to students’ complaints. “Rule #1,” by far, is the go-to rule. Students Read more…